Welcome to Dunn’s Corners Community Church Presbyterian


Winter Welcome to WorshipWe strive to be God’s heart and hands in a broken world.  Come join this vibrant, loving and spirit-filled church family.
Everyone is welcome

We offer in-person Sunday worship at 8 am and 10 am, as well as live-stream worship  at our Recorded Worship & Sermons page. Previous live-stream broadcasts are also available.

There was a problem with the Livestream this past Sunday. For that we appologize. The backup copy has now been uploaded and you may view it from the Recorded Worship & Sermons page.

Narragansett Bay Chorus with Trade Secret
On Sunday February 23, at 3pm our church will host a special concert featuring two accomplished a cappella groups. They are known for their accomplished barbershop harmonies. Their music includes ballads, up-tunes, specialty songs, and comedy with selections from the movies, rock and roll, patriotic, folk music and more. Admission is FREE, with a free will offering to benefit our upcoming trip to North Carolina to help with repairs of houses damaged in last fall’s storm.

Join us for a bible study based on the book, “
Let Justice Roll Down.”  There will be a total of nine meetings occurring every other Saturday. Each week is scheduled independently and missing a session isn’t a problem.  The next class will be held on Saturday, February 8th, at 10am.

Presbyterian Women’s BOOK CLUB will hold its next meeting on Monday, March 24th at 7pm.  They will discuss the novel, The Forest of Vanishing Stars by Kristin Harmel. 

“Grief Share,” our grief support group, is a Christ-centered seminar and support group where you can find help and healing for the loss of a loved one.  We will be starting a new Grief Share 13-week group on Tuesday night, February 4 from 6:00 – 7:30 PM in the meeting house. You are welcome to join GriefShare at any point in  the program.

Our Habitat for Humanity group meets on the first Saturday of the month for 4 to 6 hours starting at 8:00 am. Meet in the Church parking lot and head to the worksite together. Volunteering is open to anyone 16 and older. Construction skills or experience are definitely not required. SCHH provides all tools and safety equipment. “Seeking to put God’s love into action, Habitat for Humanity brings people together to build homes, community and hope.”

TEEN TIME meets every Tuesday, 5 – 7:30pm for fun times, meaningful discussions, games and activities. Food and beverage is provided.  Any teens grades 7-12 who would like to know more are asked to contact DunnsCCTeenTeam@gmail.com.


Like to cook? We bring Swiss Chicken dinner to the WARM homeless shelter on the first Saturday of the month. Sign up in Fellowship Hall and grab a copy of the recipe.  On the day of drop off, the church will be open from 8 am to 2 pm to accept donations. Please use all disposable containers.

Please join us in welcoming our new Pastor, Reverend Virginia Courtney, to our pulpit. Pastor Gin comes to us from San Antonio, TX.  We are very excited about working with her as she begins her ministry here in our community.



Donations to our church are always appreciated. You may mail a check to the church or ask your bank to send a payment through its online banking.
To give online, please click here.
Online donations may be made with a credit or debit card, or through a bank checking or savings account. For instructions on how to give online, click here.

More information about Church governance and our bylaws.

Our wonderful Preschool and Day Care programs are enrolling students for 2025-2026.

Dunn’s Corners Church offers the Early Learning Center, a preschool for children ages 3-4, and Kid Kare, an after-school daycare for older children. These programs are designed to work together to provide preschool education and child care throughout the week for children in preschool through grade 4.

Are you looking for…

Inner peace?
Help for yourself or others?
Answers to your questions?
A relationship with Jesus?

We welcome you!

We are a warm, open-minded church. Here, we can share our faith and be ourselves. Our faith is based in the Word of God and the teachings of Jesus Christ, our Savior.

We strive to bring joy to little children, instruction and high ideals to youth, inspiration to men and women in the midst of life and comfort to those in later years. Thus we work together for the salvation of all God’s children.

Join us and be a part of our loving community!